A.T. Stewart Ministries
  A.T. Stewart Ministries 

The Omega Force

The OMEGA FORCE is an elite unit in God's Army that consists of fathers who are deeply devoted and highly committed to the intentional discipleship of their children. This force is considered elite because only a few fathers possess the level of commitment and dedication required to intentionally disciple their children for 18 or more years.


Weekly Orders

Devoted, Dedicated, Determined



The Father and His God 


Date_______ 1. Spend a daily time of prayer and Bible study 5 out of 7 days

Date_______  2. Along with your accountability partner install Covenant Eyes  on your devices

Date_______ 3. Begin the Thrive program. Even if you do not personally struggle with porn, it will help you help other men. (Google Thrive 21 Day Porn Detox)


The Father and His Wife


Date_________ 1. Tell your wife about the Omega Force and the commit it requires. (Have her look at the Handbook)

Date__________ 2. Tell her why you joined.

Date__________ 3. Ask her to pray for you as you begin to disciple the children


The Father and His Children


Date___________ Order the 2 required books. Spiritual Nurturing by Darlene Carpenter, The Disciple-Making Parent by Chap Bettis, both are available on Amazon

Date___________ Fulfill Commitment 10 in the Handbook


.A. Build a love relationship with each child

        —By spending time with them doing fun things together

       —-By having at least one 30-minute time period each week where you give them your focused attention

       —-By seeking to know their heart and who they are at the deepest level as well as pouring your life into them and letting them see your heart for the Lord Jesus


 B. Have an instructional time at least 3 times a week, tailored to their age group, in which you teach them the truths of God’s Word. Special circumstances that may alter this requirement will be taken into consideration. (The length and format of these times will vary according to their ages, but we will teach you the particulars of how to do this.)


 C. Use the teachable moments of life to speak into their lives a life-changing truth from

God’s Word



The Father and His Fellow Father


Date___________ At the end of the week, talk to your accountability partner in person or on the phone. 

1 Go over each order to see if each has been completed.

2.Talk about struggles you are having in your disciple-making.

3. If fellow soldier did not attend church, ask talk about why he did not.

4. Pray for each other.







The Father and His God


Date_______ 1. Spend a daily time of prayer and Bible study 5 out of 7 days

Date_______  2. Along with your accountability partner USE Covenant Eyes  on your devices

Date_______ 3. CONTINUE the Thrive program. Even if you do not personally struggle with porn, it will help you help other men. (Google Thrive 21 Day Porn Detox)


The Father and His Wife


Date_________ 1. Ask you wife for suggestions on how you can better connect with each child

Date__________ 2. Share with her your fears and concerns about being the family disciple-maker

Date__________ 3. Ask her to pray for you as you continue to disciple the children


The Father and His Children


Date___________ Fulfill Commitment 10 in the Handbook


.A. Build a love relationship with each child

        —By spending time with them doing fun things together

       —-By having at least one 30-minute time period each week where you give them your focused attention

       —-By seeking to know their heart and who they are at the deepest level as well as pouring your life into them and letting them see your heart for the Lord Jesus


 B. Have an instructional time at least 3 times a week, tailored to their age group, in which you teach them the truths of God’s Word. Special circumstances that may alter this requirement will be taken into consideration. (The length and format of these times will vary according to their ages, but we will teach you the particulars of how to do this.)


 C. Use the teachable moments of life to speak into their lives a life-changing truth from

God’s Word


Date____________ Attend church regulary with your family


The Father and His Fellow Father


Date___________ At the end of the week, talk to your accountability partner in person or on the phone.

1 Go over each order to see if each has been completed.

2.Talk about struggles you are having in your disciple-making.

3. If fellow soldier did not attend church, ask talk about why he did not.

4. Pray for each other.



Ongoing Weekly Orders


The Father and His God


Date_______ 1. Spend a daily time of prayer and Bible study 5 out of 7 days

Date_______  2. Along with your accountability partner USE Covenant Eyes  on your devices

Date________3. Continue reading the required books.


The Father and His Wife


Date_________1. Set aside time when you and your wife can be alone. Share your concerns and struggles in discipling the children.

Date__________2. Pray together for each child and your each other.


The Father and His Children


Date___________ 1. Fulfill Commitment 10 in the Handbook.


A. Build a love relationship with each child

        —By spending time with them doing fun things together

       —-By having at least one 30-minute time period each week where you give them your focused attention

       —-By seeking to know their heart and who they are at the deepest level as well as pouring your life into them and letting them see your heart for the Lord Jesus


 B. Have an instructional time at least 3 times a week, tailored to their age group, in which you teach them the truths of God’s Word. Special circumstances that may alter this requirement will be taken into consideration. (The length and format of these times will vary according to their ages, but we will teach you the particulars of how to do this.)


 C. Use the teachable moments of life to speak into their lives a life-changing truth from

God’s Word



Date___________ 2. Attend church regulary with your family.


The Father and His Fellow Father


Date___________ At the end of the week, talk to your accountability partner in person or on the phone.

1 Go over each weekly order to see if each has been completed.

2. Share what you have done this past week in Commitment 10 areas A,B,C. (Each of these are crucial in discipling your children. Satan will do all he can to keep your from doing these. Christ has WON the victory so claim the victory and DO IT!) There is no room for failure soldier! You are part of Omega Force, you have the power of the Holy Spirit in you, so by faith TAKE THE VICTORY!

3. Talk about struggles you are having in your disciple-



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